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Behind The Scene Efforts As Oluwo Of Iwo Adewale Akanbi, Ex-Wife channel Chin Engage In “Fight To Finish”



Eniola Adeniyi

The Oluwo of Iwo Oba Adewale Abdulrasheed Alanbi and his former wife Channel Chin have kick-started a messy fight.

And early indications reveal both sides do not intend to take prisoner in the erupting mess.

” Everything points to a fight to finish” insiders insist.

Ex Queen – unceremoniously ejected from the party – just made damning allegations against the Iwo King in an interview.

The sordid details of the allegations demean the person of Oba Akanbi and the office he occupies.

” they are better left unsaid out of respect for our traditional institution..the allegations are as weighty and as they sordid” learned.

The former Queen claimed she was forced to take the drastic step in the bid to protect and repair her reputation that is under attack by her former husband.

Chin claims the Oluwo of Iwo was spreading injurious tales ruining her reputation.

The tales allegedly cast doubts about her virtue as a woman and raise questions about the product of her marriage to the monarch.

And rather than react in the sneaky way the attacks were made, the former Queen brought out the big guns and publicly replied her former husband in kind., however, gathered that though Oluwo and his former wife appear all ready to finish off one another in the war of sickening allegations, friends of the two parties have stepped into the situation.

Insiders disclosed that Oluwo is being pressured not to reply to his ex-wife in kind, publicly while Channel Chin has been advised to sheat her swords.

” Though from the look of things,  the intervention by friends led by a popular Lagos monarch can not be labeled effective in halting the show of shame by the estranged royal couple” a source disclosed insisting “they appear more than willing to undo each other in the public space’.

The marriage between the Oluwo and Chin – Jamaican – went south a couple of weeks by when the Iwo King literally disowned his queen and forbided dealings with her in announcing the collapse of their union.

The monarch later accused her of trying to poison him at the behest of his enemies – the former queen did not respond to these developments until the sordid allegations she just made against her former husband.

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