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Four Tips To Help You Stay Safe While Travelling During The Pandemic



You only live once, abi?! There is a whole world waiting to be seen. Because, baecation and vacation must happen!

As fun as it might be, travelling is something that should be taken seriously, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although vaccines are available, it has not been distributed widely and the discoveries of new strains put one at risk. This is why travelling is not advised.

However, if you must travel, here are some things to note:

Research: Do you need to take special vaccines before travelling to the area? Even if you have been there before, you might need special vaccinations to boost your immune system.
Make a list of medications you need to take, such as painkillers, inhalers and allergy medicines. If you or anyone else in your family suffers from a medical condition that requires regular medication, make sure you have sufficient supplies. This is because pharmacies might be scarce in the area.

Remember to carry these in your hand luggage. Also, research on the food served in the area, in case you are allergic to any ingredient or food item.

Protect yourself: Travelling in confined spaces increases the risk of passing on germs and viruses. Endeavour to wear your mask, maintain social distancing and wash and sanitise your hands, especially when you come in contact with surfaces.
Take your Dettol Anti-Bacterial 2-in-1 wipes and Dettol Hand Sanitiser to use on the plane, train or in the car, so you can sanitise your hands and surfaces throughout the journey.

When you wash your hands, spend at least 20 seconds rubbing them with soap and water, paying particular attention to the backs of the hands, under the fingernails, and between the fingers. Use a clean dry towel or paper towel to dry your hands properly, after rinsing.

Food and Water: Can you drink the water in the area? If you are unsure, it is advisable to use bottled water for everything – even brushing your teeth! Also, order hot meals as cooking in high temperature kills bacteria. Wash salads and fruits with bottled water and avoid buffet-style meals as the food might have been exposed to flies for a few hours.
Animals: Insect repellants are a must-have, especially if you are travelling to an area that has a lot of insects. Seek urgent medical attention if you start to feel unwell after being bitten.
Avoid any contact with stray or wild animals. They often carry transmittable diseases. If you get bitten, wash the wound thoroughly with clean water for at least five minutes before treating with Dettol Antiseptic Liquid. Ensure you get your injury checked out by a doctor straight away.

If you’re visiting an area at risk of malaria infection, make sure you continue to take your anti-malarial tablets as directed after you get home.

In all, when travelling ensure that you take proper care of yourself while you are having fun.

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