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Why You Should Avoid That ‘Crusade’, ‘Prophetic’ Program – Rev Adepoju

avoid being exploited by marketers on pulpits



The latest selling gimmick in church today is staging  programs with focus on the ”prophetic” . Whatever that means.

This prophetic thing is trending so much now that, even supposed radio and TV preachers no longer disseminate the word. Instead, they focus on calling weird prayer points that make unsuspecting congregants vulnerable and easily manipulated. 

 People are always eager to be part of the prophetic utterances that the  ”man of God” will be releasing. I am sure you understand what I am dragging at here: the ”oro jade ase tele” ( word  released with authority) kind of utterance.

When they are not ” speaking into your life’’ they are releasing prayer points that will always make you feel God has been very wicked to you. 

Prayer points that will make you feel you are the least favoured among men, that you are the most persecuted, that it was because of you God created witches and wizards , that everybody in your parent homes have nothing else to do with their time than monitoring your life and finances.

In the so-called  prophetic  programs, by the nature of the prayer points released, you will never see any good thing God is doing in your life. Not even the breath, not the clothings, not the  imperfect but good health nor the shelter or the hope of glory in you, being Jesus Christ who has taken permanent residence in you.

They make you see God primarily as a problem solver,  instead of making you see Him as  one who craves a relationship to enable Him make life meaningful for you if you operate on His terms. 

Rather than showcase Jesus and the many possibilities abound in Him if we understand the key, they create fears in your heart by magnifying whatever challenge are encountering, which of course, you must encounter  to arrive at your next level.  

The book says, Ye shall see tribulation, but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world. ….The prophetic merchants give the impression that it is out of place for a child of God to face challenges.

Even when what you are going through is test of your faith or punishment for your sins, they tell you its the work of the enemy, so you must present in those programs to get delivered.
Brethren, your life is not as meaningless, wretched,helpless and at the mercy of the enemy as you are being told at those prophetic programs.

Deliver yourself from religion and those who make you ungrateful to God. No matter your condition be grateful to God. The bible says: in ALL things, give thanks.

What are you suppose to do henceforth brethren,  feed more on the life changing ,  deliverance assured word of God and get your freedom from the  prayer points crusade where you give offering all the time without results.

There are so many problems we pray about that don’t need prayers but require wisdom. I hope we  know that wisdom is right application of knowledge right? . Now hear this:  there won’t be any knowledge to apply wisely if we are short of the supply of the word. It is the word that brings knowledge. 

Often times than not,  we engage in religion, which is what is prevalent in most churches today. What we need instead, is a relationship with Christ. That’s the meaning of  Christianity. Intimacy with Christ. Intimacy with Him makes us hear from Him. And when we hear from Him, we know what steps to take to solve a particular problem at a particular time instead of running after prophetic utterances.

Have you noticed that you do offering in those programs. And some  men of God stage one every other day. Wise up brethren and refocus.

Bogus prayer points, prophetic utterances should not be the reason you attend programmes, but to feed on  the word of God that will give you deliverance and a life changing experience. The word that will lead you to intimacy with Christ who is the solution to all problems. In Mathew 11:28 He says: Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

The rest will not come by jumping from crusade to crusade or from ‘program’ to program where you  join the multitude to chorus prayer points and echo thunderous amen to every declaration that you feel addresses your situation.

Rest can only come by intimacy with Christ which is developed through the word. Intimacy will give you access to the knowledge of what to do per time, in order to solve a particular challenge.

The woman with the issue of blood did not pray before she got healed, she only acted on the instruction she got via the word and knowledge of Christ she had that  bolstered her faith. ”If only I can touch the helm of His garment”…. She heard about the miracle worker and she sought Intimacy. Direct contact. One on one encounter. She didn’t go looking for intermediaries.

Faith cometh by hearing and hearing of the word. Most of the time, what we go to crusades to pray for, are what unbelievers get without stress. That  brings the question: why  do i remain  unfulfilled as a christian and continue to pray unsuccessfully for what unbelievers get  without stress? Knowledge!  You have got to have the right knowledge that will tell you what  your expectations  from God should be per time. You can not just ask or pray for anything you feel like praying about when you become intimate with Him. He makes you pray according to His will for you per time.

 Knowledge which brings Intimacy will prevent you  from praying   amis because that is what most of us do. Praying amis.

Yes, we need Him to moderate our expectations of Him so He can direct our communication with Him. 

Romans 8:26:In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.
What that scripture is saying is that, even in communicating  with God, we need Him to tell us what we should communicate to Him, the content of which must be in tandem with His own purpose for us.

For instance, if  God wants you to take up an appointment and stay in Abeokuta and you continue to pray for America visa because everybody is running to America, there will be issues. Prayer for visa will fail because that should not be your prayer point. Your prayer point should be how to excel in Abeokuta. But how would you  know Abeokuta is where you should be if there is no intimacy that makes you know God’s plan for you.

 You can’t know God’s plan for you by moving from one crusade to the other,  memorising other peoples prayer points, when you should be talking to God in line with His purpose for your own life. Funnily enough, the general prayer points you echo along with the multitude,  may unfortunately,not be in tandem with what God wants you to communicate with Him about. That you don’t have a child or a husband like many others at that prayer ground or mountain program does not mean that is what God wants you to pray to Him about. 

God has a program and timetable for your life, which is different from the other person. Your primary concern therefore, is to seek out His master plan for your life, not praying all kind of prayer that won’t bring result.

Moses was in the bush to evade arrest for murder, but God sent him back to the same place he was avoiding. That’s God for you. Not that He wants Moses to go and suffer before Pharaoh. Not at all. Remember He said; my thoughts toward you are not the thought of evil, but good, to give you an expected end…. We must know what He wants us do per time, not what we feel we need to do because its the norm. 

That somebody calls a prayer for the fruit of the womb or for husband provision  does not mean you should pray along because they seem to address your needs at the time. But the question is, is that what God wants you to address at that time?

Saul was out to find his father’s lost animal, but what happened to him in the process. God had another plan for that journey which was not revealed to him for lack of intimacy. Samuel who had the intimacy was the one  God gave the message, to tell him he will be made king.

David went to give his brothers food at the battle  front but ended up killing Goliath because intimacy with God made him identified the reason he was at that point at that time beyond the primary reason of taking food to his brothers. He didn’t need a Samuel to tell him the mind of God. He realised it  himself. Intimacy!  He could have as well left that scene when his brothers rebuked him. He could  pray to God to deliver more Lions to him in the course of his work as a shepard,  but he heard something different from God out of intimacy. 

When the instruction regarding the method  to kill Goliath came he did not go praying, but he carried out instructions. Picked stones from the brook side used it with the sling and the job was done. That was the weapon he needed as prescribed by heaven. Now at that time, praying for success in the work of animal tendering he does for his father would have been useless, because that was not God’s plan or expectation of him at that point.

Today’s religious man would see Joseph encounter with Potipha’s wife as a breakthrough opportunity, but Joseph  didnt have to pray before he bolted out of the house to escape his boss’s wife grip, because he knew the mind of  God concerning his life’s journey . He understood that for him to fulfill destiny, he must not sleep with the boss’s wife. He only needed to carry out instruction, but today’s men will sleep with that woman and begin to run after the prophetic for solution.  Only intimacy could have  revealed  those things to David, not prayer point. We have what we need to fulfil destiny in us, but for lack of relationship, we never get revelations concerning them and made prophets, pastors our saviour.

Why visiting prophets, Pastors , running from one Prophetic program to the other when all you need to is, like Joseph, know the mind of God for you and walk in that knowledge.
May the Lord help us as we build our intimacy with Christ instead of becoming victims of pulpit manipulation through endless prayer/ prophetic programs    organised,  unsuspectingly, for commercial purposes. 

Take time out to know God’s purpose and timetable for your life and you will know the kind of prayer to pray per time and avoid being exploited by marketers on pulpits.

David waited 12 years before he began to reign as  king despite the fact that he was anointed repeatedly. He didn’t begin to function until after the third anointing. 

He managed his very challenging period of waiting very well, because he understood the mind of God towards him. He did not go about praying for his persecutor , King Saul, to die, because he knew that will mean  praying amiss.  

Invest your time in seeking knowledge of God, study the word for deliverance and become intimate with God, so you won’t be praying for a car because your friends are buying cars, when God actually wants you to pray for power to win souls. 

If that program is not one that will establish or grow your intimacy with God, by the reason of the quality of His word that shall be coming forth, then you should rearrange your priorities. Its a good day. Shallom!

By- Rev’ Femi Adepoju.

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